Magnesium is arguably the most important mineral in the body, which is why magnesium deficiency can become a big issue. You may not know this but most diseases are associated with a magnesium deficiency, hence why I recommend it to most if not all my patients, and this is the one supplement I NEVER skip taking daily myself.
Magnesium is an essential mineral and an electrolyte. Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical functions in the body, some of which are crucial like regulating our heartbeat rhythm or helping neurotransmitters function. Although we need small amounts of it relative to other nutrients, we need to regularly replenish it to prevent deficiency.
Magnesium is coined the powerhouse mineral and that is the reason I recommend it to so many people. It is essential for regulating calcium, potassium, and sodium, and is essential for cellular health, and is involved in over 300 biochemical functions in the body. Even the well-known master antioxidant glutathione needs magnesium for synthesis.
So now that we know how important it is for our body, let’s talk about some of the symptoms you might experience if you have magnesium deficiency.
Leg cramps and muscle weakness
Insomnia and trouble sleeping
Muscle pain/fibromyalgia
Dysmenorrhea (painful period cramps)
High blood pressure
Restless leg syndrome
Type II Diabetes
Migraine headaches
Nutrient deficiencies, including vitamin K, vitamin B1, calcium and potassium
So why are we so magnesium deficient? Our ancestors didn’t take supplements, so why should I? Well, today we face very different problems than those of our ancestors. Some of the factors at play today are; soil depletion, digestive disorders that lead to malabsorption, higher rates of prescription medications, stress, coffee overuse, and many more.
The Benefits of Magnesium
I often, if not always recommend it, because I have seen drastic changes in people and vast improvement in many of their symptoms with regular magnesium intake. The benefits from this one mineral are vast and here are just a few;
Calms nerves and anxiety
Treats insomnia and helps your body relax and fall asleep
Helps increase energy
Relieves constipation and helps aid with regular elimination/detoxification
Relieves muscle spasms and aches
Regulates levels of calcium and potassium
Prevents migraine headaches
Helps prevent osteoporosis
Important for heart health
Now that you know the AMAZING and life-changing benefits of this powerhouse mineral, stay tuned for my blog post part 2 to learn which form is best to take, how much, and what are the best sources for magnesium.
Thanks for reading!
Please contact me at if you have any questions or are interested in learning more!
Dr Axe “Magnesium Benefits, Dosage, Recommendations, and Best Types,